Monday, March 10, 2025
HomePsychologySelf Improvement10 Ways to Get Yourself Out of a Funk and Have a...

10 Ways to Get Yourself Out of a Funk and Have a Better Attitude

I’m in a funk. I just realized that I’ve been in a really negative today. So negative in fact that I am even annoying myself. I’m just grumpy for no reason, and have a crappy attitude.

I’m in a funk because the negative attitude is disproportionate to what’s going on in my life. I don’t have too much of a reason to be in a bad mood. I’ve had a great weekend. Been productive, got to sleep in, and had some good things happen. Yet I’m still crabby.

So here’s a list of things that can snap you out of the bad mood that mysteriously plops itself down in your path from time to time. (And no, it doesn’t say the usual: Go exercise. That one’s obvious, and for me it’s hard to motivate to exercise when I’m in a funk.)

1. Take a shower or a bath.

You never really feel worse after taking a shower. It makes you feel refreshed, more awake, which in turn brightens the mood. Or get a good book and soak in a hot bath. Force yourself to ease your tensions with a steamy shower.

2. Eat Chocolate.

Break out the chocolate bar and have a snack. It is proven to have anti-depressive effects, and simply tastes damn good.

3. Do your make up or do something to make yourself look better.

I feel better when I look better. When you are in a funk, you’re probably laying around the house in pajamas, being lazy. After you take a shower, put on make up. Even if you aren’t going anywhere, put on clean clothes  and spruce up your appearance a bit.

4. Be around people that love you.

It’s hard to be negative around people that love you, and show it. You can try, but making yourself be with loved ones reminds you how lucky you are to have good family or friends.

5. Be around people that make you laugh.

I’m lucky that my family makes me laugh. During Easter, we were all cracking each other up so much that we were crying, and unable to eat. The food got cold because our silliness lasted so long. Last week I was laughing so hard at work that I snorted. It’s hard to be upset when you are snorting.

6. Write.

Sit down for 15 minutes and write about everything that is stressing you out or bringing you down. Get it out, feel it, and think about it. Then let it go. Sometimes we feel worse because something is wrong, but we keep going on and try to ignore it. Writing is so therapeutic, and makes you realize things that you never would have if you didn’t get it out out of your head and on to paper.

7. Go to bed early.

Just like it’s okay to be in a bad mood sometimes, it’s also okay to not be able to snap out of it. Accept that you are having a bad day and just go to bed early. Get some extra sleep, and remember that tomorrow will be better. Most of the time, I wake up in a great mood just as mysteriously as I slipped into a funk.

8. Be grateful.

Shift your negative focus. Write down five things that you are grateful for right now. Or make a list of as many as you can think of. Even if you aren’t in a positive mood, there is always something to be grateful for.

9. Make a play list of happy music.

Carol King just told me I’m beautiful. Playing this song on repeat works wonders. Make a play list of only upbeat music, and play it loud.

10. Clean up for 15 minutes.

Tidy up your surroundings. Set a timer for short period of time, and do a minimal clean up. Your house is always more depressing to be in when it’s messy or unorganized. It doesn’t take very long to do a little clean up, and has a big influence on mood.

In the past couple hours, I’ve taken a shower, and done my hair and make up. Carol King is telling me I’m beautiful and I’m munching on some chocolate. I’m about to get dressed and go out to dinner with some friends and family who love me and make me laugh. That should do the trick. :)

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