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HomeConferencesCharacterization and Formulation programs at The Bioprocessing Summit

Characterization and Formulation programs at The Bioprocessing Summit

Dear Colleague -This year’s Characterization and Formulation portion of CHI’s 5th Annual Bioprocessing Summit will consist of two conferences and two workshops taking place Monday-Thursday (August 19-22, 2013) in Boston.

The two conferences are Higher-Order Protein Structure: Characterization and Prediction and High-Concentration Protein Formulations: Overcoming Challenges in Stability and Aggregation.

The workshops on Monday morning focuses on Sub-Visible Particle Analysis in High-Concentration and Viral Protein Formulations and Strategies for Development of Analytical Specifications. The dinner workshop on Tuesday will delve into Accelerated Stability Testing of Biologics. Attendees and speakers are encouraged to participate in all sessions throughout the week.

Please look at the detailed agendas online and the Conference-at-a-Glance below. Register before May 31 to save up to $400 off the standard rates!

Higher-Order Protein Structure: Characterization and


High-Concentration Protein Formulations: Overcoming Challenges in Stability and Aggregation

August 19-22, 2013 * Renaissance Waterfront Hotel * Boston, MA


Mon., August 19 Tues., August 20 Wed., August 21 Thurs., August 22
AM SessionPre-Conference Workshops:

– Sub-Visible Particle Analysis in High-Concentration and Viral Protein
– Strategies for Development of Analytical Specifications

AM SessionHigher-Order Protein Structure AM SessionHigh-Concentration Protein Formulations AM SessionHigh-Concentration Protein Formulations
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
PM SessionHigher-Order Protein Structure PM SessionHigher-Order Protein Structure PM SessionHigh-Concentration Protein Formulations
Breakout Discussion Groups
Grand Opening Reception with Exhibit and Poster Viewing Dinner Workshop:Accelerated Stability Testing of Biologics Networking Reception with Exhibit and Poster Viewing

Get updates on the meeting and connect with experts by joining our LinkedIn Group.

I look forward to seeing you in Boston!

Best regards,

Nandini Kashyap
Conference Director
Cambridge Healthtech Institute

PS:For partnering and sponsorship information, please contact:
Jason Gerardi
Manager, Business Development
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
Phone: 781-972-5452
E: jgerardi

Cambridge Healthtech Institute, 250 First Avenue, Suite 300, Needham, MA 02494 |


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