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HomeHEALTHFITNESSGlobal Fight Against Obesity: Help with Coke Ads

Global Fight Against Obesity: Help with Coke Ads

I found this article on the,They are launching a  Coke Ads Help in Fight Against Obesity.

Together for Good in the Fight Against Obesity


For many of us, staying active and eating a balanced diet can be a daily struggle. We make choices throughout the day, every day that will inevitably affect our overall well-being. Take the elevator or the stairs this morning?  Add or hold the mayo at lunch?  Spin class or drive home after work?  All these decisions  have an impact on our lives. At Coca-Cola, we want to help give you what you need when you make those decisions.  That’s why we’re offering more low and zero calorie drinks, sharing calorie counts on the front of nearly all of our packages and vending machines and sponsoring community sports teams.

For 126 years, Coca-Cola has been bringing people together to create positive change around the world.  It’s our history and our story and one we want to share.  That’s why Coke launched this video showcasing our ongoing efforts to inspire Americans to live happier and more active lives.

This video tells our story of how we are working to help lead in the fight against obesity.  We believe that uniting industry, government and civil societies is just the beginning in addressing one of today’s most pressing issues – obesity. We hope you will join us in our efforts to address these tough challenges, because together is always how we have made good things happen. We believe we can make an impact together. Do you believe?

Coca-Cola may be a global company, but it is deeply rooted in local communities around the world and, like everyone, we have a vested stake in the health of people worldwide. At Coke, we also recognize that when everyone works together, good things happen.

Today, The Coca-Cola Company launches an unprecedented global campaign to help society beat one of the most serious, complex issues of this generation – obesity. In a series of new advertisements launching in the U.S. this week, we’re using our marketing power and scale to educate people about the importance of making informed choices and balancing “calories in” with “calories out.”



Beginning this week, two national TV commercials will share our message in a whole new way:
• A two-minute piece, titled “Coming Together,” debuts tonight – Monday, Jan. 14 on cable news (CNN, FOX, MSNBC). Its purpose is to highlight some of the specifics behind the Company’s ongoing commitment to deliver a greater choice of beverages, including low- and no-calories options, and to clearly communicate the calorie content of all its products.
• A second spot, called “Be Ok,” will debut on American Idol on Wednesday, Jan. 16. “Be Ok” makes it perfectly clear right up front that a can of Coca-Cola has 140 calories. The spot encourages everyone to be mindful that all calories count in managing your weight, including those in Coca-Cola products and in all foods and beverages. This spot also encourages people to have some fun burning those calories off.

Our efforts don’t stop with these advertisements. We will continue to educate, innovate and act to help people lead active, healthy lives. The Coca-Cola Company has an important role in this fight. Together, with willing partners, we will succeed. Join us in these efforts by sharing how we’re taking a stand against obesity.

Visit, the “Health” section of Coca-Cola Journey and The Beverage Institute for Health & Wellness to learn more.

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